Basic fence panel for low levels of boundary security

The Nylofor® 3D system is the reference product on the market. This complete fencing system provides optimal protection with style.


  • High rigidity
  • Complete system
  • Long lifetime
  • Efficient and fast installation
Security index:
10 year Betafence Guarantee

Nylofor 3D Fencing Specification

The Nylofor 3D panels have a width of 2500 mm and a height from 630 to 2430 mm.
The panels have vertical barbs of 30 mm on one side and are reversible (barbs at top or at bottom).
Mesh sizes of Nylofor 3D are 200 x 50 mm, and 100 x 50 mm for the beam sections.
The heavy wires, with a diameter of 5 mm guarantee an extraordinary level of rigidity.

Recommended fence posts for Nylofor

Square post

A photo of NYLOFOR POSTS The square post for your fencing panel

The square post for your fencing panel.
The panels are fixed on the front side of the posts by means of fixators and security bolts.
The welded square tubular posts (60 x 60 mm) have inserts for fixing the panels and are covered with a plastic cap.

Bekafix post

A photo of BEKAFIX Universal shaped post for panels and decorative railings

The 3d panels are fixed laterally onto the posts and secured with anti-vandal metal security fixators. The H-shape welded tubular posts (70 x 44 mm) are galvanised. PES coated and supplied with a polyamide cap and accessories.

Bekafix Super post

A photo of BEKAFIX Universal shaped post for panels and decorative railings

For medium to high security applications: Bekafix Super posts are recommended.
Lateral fixing of the panels with special metal security clip with bolts. Welded tubular posts (100 x 54 mm) in H-shape with punched holes for positioning/fixing of the panels. Posts are provided with a plastic cap.

Quixolid post

QUIXOLID The fencing post for installation without accessories

Lateral fixing of the Nylofor 3D panels in the Quixolid post, without accessories. Perfect fixing of the curves of the panel in the post profile. The Quixolid posts (75 x 50 mm) are covered with a plastic cap.

E-Lox post

A photo of E-LOX Post for endless fence installation

E-Lox posts (60 x 40 mm) are typical for endless installation. They are covered on top with a hard plastic cap.

Gates for Nylofor

The Nylofor 3D system is complete and optimal protection is given using the high technology Robusta swing and sliding gates.

Coating technique and colours


The 3D panels are made out of galvanised wires. An adhesion coating is given for a perfect adhesion with the polyester coating (min. 100 micron).


Green RAL 6005 – White RAL 9010 – Black RAL 9005 – Anthracite RAL 7016
More and other colours out of RAL Collection are available on request.

Assortment Nylofor 3D

*For Quixolid, 1100 mm / **Not available from stock in RAL 7016
Fence height
Dimensions panels
W x H
Number of reinforcements per panelPost length
630**2500 x 63021000*
8302500 x 83021200
10302500 x 103021500
12302500 x 123021700
15302500 x 153032000
17302500 x 173032200
19302500 x 193032400
20302500 x 20304 2600
2430**2500 x 24304 3200

Installation Videos

Nylofor panels & Bekafix posts

Nylofor panels & Quixolid posts



    Nylofor 2D Regular – Betafence
  • The area around the railway station of Kortrijk (West of Flanders) is being secured by the white Nylofor system.

    Nylofor 2D Regular – Betafence
  • The area around the railway station of Kortrijk (West of Flanders) is being secured by the white Nylofor system.

    Nylofor 2D Regular – Betafence
  • The area around the railway station of Kortrijk (West of Flanders) is being secured by the white Nylofor system.

    Nylofor 2D Regular – Betafence
  • Nylofor 2D Regular – Betafence

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