CLD MULTIPLUS™ profiled panel system offers a variable aperture mesh panel system that is both difficult to cut or climb. 

CLD Fencing System


Offering a variable aperture mesh panel system that is both difficult to cut through and climb, the Multiplus™ profiled rigid mesh panel system is the next step in perimeter security solutions. The welded steel wire mesh panels feature large upper profiles for extra strength and groups of 6 wires at 25mm wire centres followed by 45mm mesh apertures. This ever-popular decorative effect gives your fencing a uniquely stylish ‘striped’ appearance and offers increased security for your fence line. Multiplus™ looks great around public buildings, schools, retail premises and industrial buildings. Featuring steel security clips and hex bolts fastening each panel to the galvanised 60 x 40mm RHS steel posts, this fencing system is built to last. Multiplus™ conforms to BS 1722-14 for open mesh steel panel fences, providing excellent quality assurances and is covered by our 15 year guarantee.


Our welded steel wire mesh, perimeter security fencing panels are galvanised and polyester powder-coated, after stringent cleaning and treatment, to give a well adhered coating of 60 microns. RAL range of colours available. 


Heights – 1800, 2000, 2400, 3000mm 

Panel width – 3000mm 

Mesh size – 200 x 45mm (200 x 25mm variable) 

Wire diameter – 4mm vertical and 6mm horizontal 

Triangular folds – 3

Top edge projection – Nil wire is flush on all edges 

All dimensions are nominal 


The RHS posts are supplied complete with a 3 mm thick clip that locates down the side of the post, fixed with M8 bolts into threaded inserts. An alternative method of fixing is available as Sheardrive™ or through fixing cup square bolts and shear nuts. 


Panels can be stepped as required. Where gradients exceed 1:20 or 1:16, it is recommended that taller panels are either part-buried or additional posts are used.


In addition to the standard posts many variations are available to accommodate site requirements:

  • Alternative sections
  • Wall fixing plates, cranked posts or base plated
  • Cranked or straight extensions for barbed or razor wire
  • Cranked panels 


Posts – 60 x 40mm RHS (up to 2400mm) 80 x 40mm RHS (3000mm) 

Flat clamp bars – 47 x 25 x 3mm 

Post centres – 3010mm

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