How to fix trellis to the top of a fence

Our guide to how to fix trellis will answer all your questions:-

The benefits of adding trellis to the top of your fence

There are all sorts of reasons for wanting a trellis fence topper. And you can choose from a range of sizes and styles of trellis panels (standard, bowed, scalloped, etc.).

By fixing trellis to the top of your fence, you can add extra height and privacy without blocking light, and give something for your plants, fruit or veg to grow up.

Trellis-topped topped fencing also makes a nice garden boundary. It’s quite a social way of dividing properties.

Easy guide to fixing trellis on the top of your fence

Fixing trellis to the top of a fence is pretty straightforward.

Here’s how you do it in 5 easy steps. It’s a good idea to make this a two-person job.

  1. Get your tools together. You’ll need 35mm screws, two U brackets per fence panel and a drill.
  2. Make sure you leave yourself enough room for the trellis on top of the fence post.
  3. Fix one U bracket on the inside of each fence post, about halfway between the top and bottom of where the trellis panel will go.
  4. Fix the U brackets to the fence post with 35mm screws.
  5. Slot the trellis panel into place, fixing it to the posts with 35mm screws, putting them through the bracket.

Now, repeat until finished and then stand back and give yourself a pat on the back.

A cheat’s guide to trellis-topped fencing

Not much of a handyman or a handywoman? Or not got the time or tools to fix trellis to the top of your fence?

That’s OK, you can buy fencing panels already fitted with trellis. Check out our range of trellis-topped fencing.

We can install your fencing, too.

Buy your trellis fence toppers and trellis-topped fencing today

fitting trellis onto a fence panel

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