Knight Fencing is sponsoring the V2 Radio travel news

Have you tuned in to V2 Radio yet? Have you heard the travel updates?

If you have, you’ll know that Knight Fencing is sponsoring the V2 Radio travel news!

V2 Radio is a brand new local radio station for West Sussex. It is a proper local radio station and was launched this month.

About V2 Radio and how to tune in

When you put on V2 Radio, you’ll find local news and travel and info on what’s on and where in and around West Sussex. And, of course, there’s the shows and music – if you were a fan of Spirit FM, you’ll recognise some of the voices and competitions!

Have a listen – we think you’ll like it (we do!). Right now, you can tune in using your DAB radio or your smart speaker, or via the V2 Radio website.

Why Knight Fencing is supporting V2 Radio

Supporting the local community is important to Knight Fencing and that’s why we are sponsoring the V2 Radio travel updates. We all need reliable, genuinely local news right now.

V2 Radio has also promised to donate 10% of its earnings to charitable causes in the local area. As a business that works hard to give back to the local community, we’re more than happy to support a company doing something like this.

Give V2 Radio a go and listen out for Knight Fencing!

So, tune in to V2 Radio and give it a try.

And don’t forget to listen out for the travel news and a message from your No.1 local fencing supplier!

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